Secret Hiding Place

Do you ever need a good hiding spot? I have them all over my house. I can't name them, of course, since my family members might read this. You see, my hiding spots aren't from potential intruders, but from those who live right inside my house! Usually it is chocolate I am hiding. I like to know there is some in the house in case of an emergency. Emergencies occur whenever I am feeling stressed and NEED chocolate. I figure these secret stashes have saved more than one life over the years. I have gotten away from my dependence for the most part, but there are still times when nothing else will do. Unfortunately, most of my stashes have been discovered, so I am always looking for other options.

I came across this idea back in the fall when I was looking for ideas for homemade Christmas gifts. I thought it was very clever and frugal, but couldn't bear to cut up any of my beloved books. I recently stopped at a used book store in search of books on bee-keeping. (Don't worry, I am sure you will hear all about it one day.) So, I picked out a nice, sturdy book and coughed up the two bucks and brought home my new safe.

I do think this would make a nice little hiding spot for something that you would still like to be able to access. You can even get very specific as to the size  you need. I think I even saw where someone took the time to outline their pistol and cut a very snug shape for it. I would not have the patience for something this tedious, and since mine is a generic holder for who-knows-what, I just marked out a rectangle with a ruler and began to carve out the pages with a utility knife..
I stopped about halfway through, but you could go all the way through the thickness of the book depending on what you plan on storing. To be honest, my arm was getting tired, so I decided it was deep enough.
It is now ready to hold your little treasures, and from the outside, no one would guess! It looks like an ordinary book because it IS an ordinary book! 
Once it is settled on your bookshelf, it will blend right in and you will have a good little hiding spot in plain sight! 
Please don't send me hate mail telling me I'm an awful person for destroying a book. Not all books are sacred and there were at least three other copies of this book at the used book store for $2 each. It makes me think of all the crazy places people have hidden things, from mattresses, to the freezer. What's the craziest hiding place you've ever used?

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