Benefits of Dry Brushing

So there's this new thing that people are doing. Only it's not new. Before the new people started doing it, OLD people have been doing it for THOUSANDS of years. Maybe they're not old. Or maybe its this old thing new people are doing. I don't know. Try not to confuse me.

The new/old thing is called dry brushing. It seems a little wacky, but apparently that is the criteria for everything I do now. You simply take a natural bristle brush and brush your body with it.

Here are the reasons I love it:
1. It's cheap
2. It makes your skin soft

3. It feels great

If you want to improve the texture of your skin without spending a lot of time and money, you should seriously consider this. I bought a brush in the bath/spa section at Target for less than five dollars. It is so easy to do. Start at your feet and brush upwards using overlapping strokes then do your arms and torso, always going towards your heart. From what I've read you are following the natural flow of your lymphatic system so it is great for circulation and is detoxifying as it helps your body to release unwanted junk. I don't know if that part is really true, but even if it isn't I can tell a difference in my skin after only a couple of weeks.

Also, I noticed that when I dry brush before bed, my feet aren't as icy as they usually are. That tends to make me think that it does improve circulation.

There are reports that it helps with cellulite. The Huffington Post tested a bunch of home remedies for cellulite, and dry brushing was the one that showed the greatest improvement. Throw in the fact that there are no expensive chemical laden creams involved, and I am all in! I'll report back if I notice a difference in that area, but don't expect any pictures!

I mentioned that it feels great and I think it does! At first it seemed a little too abrasive, but I've decided now that I really like it. I've always loved having my back scratched and this is like that times a million. If you are sensitive, you might have to start out with a light hand and work up to a more firm brushing.

It is exfoliating, so it might be good to stand in the shower when you do it. Also, along the hygiene line, it is also recommended you wash the brush at least once a week. I do this by bringing it into the shower and washing it with a little bit of shampoo. Hang it up to dry and it will be ready by the next time you need it.

I've talked to several people about it and most of them have never heard of dry brushing, but two have been like, "oh yeah, I've been doing that for eighty years." Whatever. I should say "thanks for telling me about it." Jerks. (hee hee)


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