
Countdown to Christmas Lunchbox Cards

What did the turkey eat for Christmas?

Nothing, he was stuffed.

What was your reaction to that? Groan? Smirk? Snicker? Laugh?

Well, no matter WHAT your reaction, there are MORE where that came from. ;)

Today, I’m sharing some Countdown to Christmas lunchbox cards. Print them out this weekend and have them ready to start dropping in your child’s lunchbox or backpack for when they go back to school on Monday.

If your children are home educated like mine, then you can have them waiting on their desk for when they go do their school work in the morning (or afternoon or evening....).

What is the best Christmas present in the world?

A broken drum….it just can’t be beat!

When my kids were in school I made these for them for a few different holidays. They LOVED them. In fact, that was probably four or five years ago and they still have many of the cards – dirty with pencil scratches and crayon smudges because they were thrown in their pencil box for “safe keeping”. I remember them telling me how their classmates would be anxious to see what the card for that day would be.

Most kids have three weeks (15 school days) until they get out for Christmas break but I made 45 different images/jokes or countdown until Christmas. I have some Santa images with jokes and some nativity images with just a countdown of how many days until Christmas on the back so you can decide what you want to give your kiddos. It's good to have several extras too if you have more than one child and want them to have different jokes/images.

I outlined the squares in a light gray so you’ll see where to cut easier – just cut down that line. If you have a paper cutter like I do then it’ll make it quick and painless. (I don’t do scissors very well. I can’t cut a straight line to save my life!)

The odd pages are the images and the even pages are on the text that go on the back of each. For the jokes I tried to pick images that went along with the idea. You’ll see! Hee hee!
See below for link to open file for downloading.

Directions: Unless you have a fancy schmancy printer, print page 1, then turn it over and print page 2 so that the jokes go on the back. OR you could print pages 1, 3, 5 and then after those three pages have printed, turn them over and print pages 2, 4, 6. Is that confusing? I hope not! Let me know if you have questions.

Even if you do not have children or children old enough to read then you could use these for your spouse OR even a friend. They will surely have a chuckle (or smirk) upon receiving them.

Do you have any cheesy Christmas jokes like these to share? Some of these really are corny but while I was working on these and my kids (ages 13 and 14) saw them, they still had a few laughs. Hey, I'll even take a groan from my teenagers. Ha ha!

Holiday Shopping Guide for Men

I'm back with some ideas on what to get the guys in your life for Christmas. I found this a million times harder than a gift guide for the ladies. As I was researching I found a lot of really neat ideas that would appeal to SOME guys, but not much that would have universal appeal.

Some guys love to play golf. Some guys don't. Some like to cook, some don't. Some play sports, some don't. See where I'm going with this? Then there are outdoor men, and gamers, and musicians, and my personal favorite, the nerds. I tried to find items that would appeal to all or at least MOST men, but definitely take your man's hobbies and interests into account. I will refer you to several websites throughout the post to get more ideas.

So, without further ado, let's get started.

1. Dollar Shave Club
My husband has been getting razors shipped to him through the Dollar Shave Club for six months or so. You choose a razor, which comes with blades, and then they send additional blades every month or two months if you choose that option. He's on the $9 plan and has been happy with it.

2. Swiss Army Knife 
Tim has carried one of THESE knives on his keychain for the last twenty years. He uses it all the time. It has a small pair of scissors, a pair of tweezers, a toothpick, a bottle opener, nail file, two screwdriver tips, and of course, a knife. At twenty dollars, it is a very useful tool that would appeal to most men. 
3. Loot Crate
This one will appeal more to the geeks in your life. Like the Dollar Shave Club, this is a monthly subscription. For under $20 a month they get a box of random things that only they will understand. Past crates include action figures, t-shirts, games and toys. Items are related to comic books, video games, television shows (think star trek, star wars) and anything to do with aliens. You can check it out HERE

4. Touchscreen Gloves
I had similar gloves on my shopping guide for ladies last week. They're so practical, I can't imagine anyone not being happy to receive this gift, and since they're relatively new to the market, there is a good chance they don't already have them. I like THIS pair, but there are many to choose from, both on Amazon, and locally. 

5. Electronics Repair Kit
If your man is a do-it-yourself kind of guy he might enjoy this tool kit that will allow him to work on electronic devices ranging from smartphones to laptops. I know in our house we've had to replace screens on various devices, and having the right tools ALWAYS makes the job easier. Can I get an amen? Check it out HERE if you have a handyman on your list. I really like this site, even if your man wouldn't tear into an ipod like it was a juicy steak. There are hundreds of other ideas at 
6. Coffee Mug
Its fun to get A NEW MUG that expresses your personality or interests. My husband works with mostly men and there are numerous references to The Princess Bride. In fact, many of the men I know quote this movie on a regular basis. Interestingly, I don't know ANY women who do. If this mug doesn't do anything for you, just search a topic of interest followed by the word mug and I guarantee you will find something that fits the bill.

7. Emergency weather radio/hand crank flashlight thingamajig
I don't even know what the heck THIS thing is, but it sounds like it can do everything but defibrillate a stopped heart. It has all the words that will make you man drool. Emergency. Weather. SIREN! It will even charge your smartphones. It could be very useful in an emergency situation. 
8. Food
It is well-known that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. There are bajillions of ways to accomplish this. When gifting food, always consider your man's preferences. Does he like to keep it simple with steak and potatoes, or does he like more exotic fare? A gift from Omaha Steaks, or something similar, might be great for someone who is king of the grill. If he does enjoy cooking, you could get an assortment of rubs and marinates to try out for the next barbecue. If he just likes the eating part, and not the cooking part, consider restaurant gift certificates. It is actually a gift for you, too! 

9. You
Just wrap yourself up in a big red bow and tell your honey Merry Christmas. If you don't know what to do next, message me and I'll explain it to you. The best part about this gift is guaranteed he will like it and it works with any budget! 

I think for most of the men I know, they aren't very concerned with what they are getting for Christmas. If the people they love are happy, they're happy. I'm so thankful that is the case with my husband. 

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Hand Cleanser Gel (Alcohol Free)

I haven’t used hand sanitizer or antibacterial soaps in a couple of years. Partly because I have read many articles on how it just causes viruses and bacteria to become resistant (here’s a good article I just found on it). Partly because I do not like the drying effect most have on my skin with them containing alcohol. And partly because they usually contain chemical fragrances which = headache and possible migraine for me (and for my husband too).

Lately, I’ve been carrying my little “doctor kit” of essential oils in my purse and will occasionally use a drop of the protection blend on my hands after hand-shaking time at church. I also very often hear everyone else (or smell) opening and closing their antibacterial gels to sanitize their hands.

Wanting to create my own hand cleansing gel using the protection blend essential oil, I started looking online at recipes and came up with a recipe that works for me. It’s not too thick and it’s not too thin, but you can adjust the amounts of witch hazel and aloe vera gel to make it how you like.

Hand Cleanser Gel (Alcohol Free)
printable recipe here

1 part aloe vera gel (I use this gel which can be found at Walmart also.)
1 part witch hazel (It’s available unscented if you prefer.)
10-15 drops protection blend essential oil
¼ teaspoon vitamin E oil, optional
2 ounce flip top bottle (Here are the bottles I bought for this project.)

Squirt aloe vera gel into bottle. Add essential oils then witch hazel. Add vitamin E oil, if using. Screw on lid and shake. It’s ready to use!

I did eyeball the measuring for this when making my own but if you are using a 2 ounce container like I did, 1 ounce is equal to 2 tablespoons. I would do just a bit under 2 tablespoons of the aloe vera gel and witch hazel to allow room for the essential oil and vitamin E oil.

Other good ones that you could use include Wild Orange, Rosemary, Bergamot, and Lemongrass. A lot of the essential oils are naturally antibacterial because of the way God made them!

This would be a great stocking stuffer or part of a gift for friends/family with Christmas coming soon. I created some simple labels to print and cut for you. All I did for these was create text boxes in Word that were 1.5” in height so that the clear packing tape would go over the edge to “seal” them. That’s what I used here. The printable image below is available on the recipe download above.
My intentions for the Twisted Peppermint label was to use peppermint essential oil which is antibacterial and antiviral. Play around and find good combos like I did on my Essential Oil Perfume post, but be careful about using a lot of “hot” essential oils such as clove, cinnamon, thyme, and oregano. Some of my favorite essential oil combos are: wild orange & lavender, peppermint with lemon and rosemary, and just peppermint & rosemary.

You could use this idea as a gift year round - Valentine's Day, Easter, Teacher Appreciation Day, Mother's Day, etc or include it in gifts for new mothers or birthday gifts.

Let's see who is paying attention! ;) If you live in the area and are the FIRST person to comment below AND share on Facebook, then I will give you a FREE bottle of my hand cleanser gel!

Christmas Shopping Guide for Ladies

Hello friends! I'm a day late on this post because I had a dentist appointment that just about killed me. I was fine while I was there, but as the day went on and the numbness went away, I felt terrible. I had a filling on one of my top, back teeth and they practically hung me from my feet to get to it. I was having muscle spasms in my neck from being in that crazy position! I'm feeling much better today. Thanks for asking.

Its time to get serious about Christmas. We don't buy for everyone we know and go overboard for Christmas in our family, but there are some people I still want to give a gift to. I stress over gifts because I always want the recipient to really like it. I've received so many gifts in my life that just got put in a closet or drawer and sold two years later in a garage sale. Plus now, with our healthy/natural lifestyle, gift giving is even a little MORE complicated than it was before. I don't burn candles with synthetic fragrances in my home or use all that scented bath and body products because I don't want the exposure to the chemicals, so I can't very well give those things to people I love, even if they use them. But, most people wouldn't be excited about getting bag of dried organic elderberries or beeswax pellets like I would be.

That means I have to work a little harder to find gifts that I can feel good about giving, the recipient likes, and is reasonably priced. I also would like to suggest you don't give decorative items for someone's house unless you're SURE they would like it. I'm talking you're BFFs and you always love the same things. It is awkward for someone to give you a picture to hang on your wall but you really don't like it but you know they will be at your house and will be looking for it. I've been thinking about this post for several days and scoured the internet and read dozens of gift giving guides. The following suggestions are what I have come up with. I may add to it as I come up with more ideas, so check back.

1. Gloves with Smart Touch Technology.
When you are wearing gloves you can't use a touch screen, but they are now making gloves that will allow you to text and swipe without having to remove one glove. I have a whole basket of gloves and scarves, but I don't have any that allow for this, so I would be happy to receive a pair myself if anyone is wondering.
I've seen them several places this week, but if you like to shop online you can get them on Amazon HERE. 

2. Water Bottle with Storage
I ran across this idea months ago and think it is a great idea! I love that you can store cash, your debit card, and key in it. It is available HERE

4. Boot Socks
Everyone is wearing boots these days and they are adorable. The best place to find ones that are unique is on Etsy. I love the idea of supporting women (and some men) who are using their God given abilities to create one of a kind items so that they can support their families. Click HERE to see some of the options available. 

5. Sea Salt Caramels
Oh me, oh my! I can't believe nobody ever thought of this until a few years ago. I feel like the first thirty years of my life were wasted. I buy the Nice brand at Walgreens and saw a box at Sam's this week. I'm sure they're availble in a variety of places, but if you can't find them locally, you can get them HERE

6. Gift Cards
I know gift cards seem like a cop-out, but if I'm honest, I'll admit I love getting them! I can be picky and for the most part would rather pick it out myself. It is guilt-free shopping for yourself. As a mom with three kids whose feet won't stop getting bigger I always feel at least a little guilt when I shop for myself, because I know there are things they need. Gift cards take the guilt away, so I really enjoy them. Here are some options to consider:
Amazon - because really, if Amazon doesn't have it, there is a good chance it doesn't exist.
Etsy - because there are some amazingly talented people making and selling beautiful, handmade items at great prices.
Restaurant - Does the recipient have a favorite restaurant? You can even print out your own gift certificate to have lunch or dinner together at your favorite place to go together and then you pick up the check.
Spa - What lady doesn't like to get her nails done or get a massage? The price on this can vary greatly depending on the location and services offered, but you can find a place in  your budget and give a gift certificate. I can guarantee it won't go to waste.

7. Jewelry
This one might be considered self-serving, but I do think they are both great gift ideas. Both are available in my Etsy shop. The first is a Bird's Nest pendant. I make them in silver or bronze and they are made to order with a specified number of bead 'eggs.' many women like to have the number of eggs to correspond with the number of children they have, or some other significant number.
The other item in my Etsy shop is this silver ring. It is sterling silver and you can choose from about forty different stones. I have about ten of these rings that I wear and honestly, I get compliments on them ALL THE TIME. The price is very reasonable considering that is it real silver and real gemstones. 
Both the ring and bird's nest pendant can be purchased by going to my Etsy shop HERE

I hope you've found something from my list that you can use for one of the ladies on your list this year. 

Best EVER Broccoli Cheddar Soup

Our Sunday school class has had three ladies give birth in the last month. Babies are such a blessing – a little miracle from God. Like many churches, we have a meal ministry for families when they have a baby (or have surgery or a death in the family). I love participating in the new baby meals because I get to see the baby and because I remember what a blessing it was to us when I was exhausted and did not even want to think about cooking a meal. Any of you remember those days?

Yesterday, I was on the schedule to make a meal for one of our latest blessings born just last week on my son's birthday (November 13). I have been sticking to a usual “casserole” type pasta dish. I like it because I could bring it unbaked, then they could bake it when they were ready, or they had the option to freeze it if needed for later. Plus, it seemed to be a favorite among the families because I was asked for the recipe almost every time.

However, I don’t know what it was like at your house yesterday but it was 17 degrees and spitting snow when I woke up. The day was screaming, “Sooooooooup!” So I abandoned my original plan and made up a double batch of this delicious broccoli cheddar soup so I could share with the family and have some for us.

This recipe is an adaptation of a Panera Bread copycat recipe for their broccoli cheddar soup. This version is gluten free using cornstarch to thicken. If you have family allergic to corn and wheat/gluten, then you could use arrowroot powder in its place. Plus for this recipe, I use my delicious, healthy, beautiful homemade chicken stock I shared recently. This soup is WONDERFUL!!

Broccoli Cheddar Soup
printable recipe here

1/2 stick of butter (1/4 cup)
1/2 of a medium yellow onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, minced
2 cups half and half (or 1 cup of milk and 1 cup of heavy cream)
3 cups chicken stock
1/4 cup corn starch
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
2 bay leaves
1 large carrot, peeled and chopped small
4 cups broccoli florets (about 1 head)
2 1/2 cups grated cheddar cheese (about 8 ounces)
Salt and Pepper to taste
Bread Bowls, optional

In a large pot, cook the butter, onion, and garlic on about medium heat until tender.

Slowly add the half and half and chicken stock. Mix the corn starch with a little bit of water until there are no clumps and add it to the rest. Add the nutmeg and bay leaves and cook on medium low until thickened.

Add the carrot and broccoli and simmer until tender. Discard the bay leaves. Puree with an immersion blender until consistency of soup is desired (light chunks of broccoli or no chunks at all). Add the cheese and stir until melted. Season with salt and pepper and serve in bread bowls, if desired.

Makes about 4 servings.

This was after I had cooked the onions and garlic in butter, had added the chicken broth and half and half and wondered if I was going to have enough room for the broccoli after doubling it…

I chopped the carrots small but didn't worry too much about them since they will get semi-pureed. This here is added nutrition (and flavor).

Yay! It did all fit in my Dutch oven pot.

It’s been slightly pureed after the broccoli and carrot have cooked and the bay leaves are removed…

Then I just added the cheese, let it melt and we had the best EVER broccoli cheddar soup. If you try this and think yours is better then I want the recipe! ;) The nutmeg and bay leaves add a little extra character to this recipe that makes it wonderful, in my opinion (which probably isn't worth much, lol).

My sweet friend I delivered it to sent me a text last night that they ate the whole thing! Her two little boys even had two servings each they liked it so much. Home run!

Do you have a favorite soup recipe? I'd love to hear yours below. If it is broccoli cheddar soup then tell me how you make yours. It is fun to compare recipes. Hey, I'm on the lookout for a good white bean and ham soup recipe if you have one too!

Tropical Kiwi Smoothie

Hi Friends...

Are you ready to face a new week? I hope so. Today I want to share the recipe for my favorite green smoothie. I've been planning on doing a cleanse at the beginning of the year, but decided not to wait. I'll probably fill you in on all the details when its over. Part of what I am doing is drinking a green smoothie each day. That's probably nothing new. Many of you probably drink them all the time, but I KNOW there are a lot of you who haven't had the nerve to drink something made with large handfuls of kale and spinach. So, whether you drink them all the time or are a big baby chicken, I thought you might be interested in knowing what I put in my smoothies.

First, lets talk about the difference between juicing and smoothies. When you juice you use a 'juicer.' It is a counter top appliance that grinds and presses the vegetables and gets ALL the liquid out of it and leaves just the fiber, or the pulp, to be discarded. When you juice you use more fruit and/or vegetables. When you make a smoothie, you are putting fruits, vegetables, and some liquid in a blender and drink all of it. There is some debate about which is better and I believe both are valuable options. I'll leave it up to you to decide. We chose to go with a high speed blender and make smoothies, but I'd certainly be all over juicing too if I had a juicer. Don't worry if you don't have a fancy blender. ANY blender will make a smoothie. Well, any WORKING blender will make one.

Oh, and by the way, smoothies don't have to be green, but here's the deal. If you are a person who knows you should be eating more green vegetables but don't really like the taste or texture, smoothies are a great option. I can shove WAY more spinach in a blender and drink it than I could eat in a salad. Plus, by the time I add half a bottle of Hidden Valley Ranch dressing on it, its not exactly good for me anymore.

You can start with adding a small amount of green stuff and gradually increasing it. That is what I have done with my kids. I started with one leaf and now we're up to five. Just kidding. We're only up to four. BABY STEPS! You can call it a Martian smoothie, or Incredible Hulk smoothie, or make up something fun. You can also put it in a solid colored cup with a lid and avoid the drama altogether. Maybe put it in a Sonic cup. I'm sure they would drink it then. If you need to start with all fruit and just a little spinach, do it. Just keep adding more greens and less fruit and eventually you will get there. You can still get too much sugar from an all fruit smoothie. If you're wary, start with spinach. The flavor is much milder than kale. Even now, I can only do about 50% kale if I want to enjoy my smoothie, which I DO!

So, are ya dying to know what I put in my smoothies? It varies, depending on what happens to be in the fridge that day, but if I am planning on it when I go to the store, THIS is what I do. (Printable recipe HERE)

1 1/2 cups of coconut water
2 kiwis, peeled
3 cups spinach
1 Tbsp of a green powdered smoothie mix (can use spirulina)
1 cup pineapple
1 banana

I use a powdered drink mix  that has kale, collard greens, dandelion greens, wheat grass, barley grass, guava, cherries, goji berries, and some essential oils. You can mix it in a glass of water and drink it or put it in a smoothie, which is a million times better.

Another option is to use spirulina which you can buy HERE on Amazon.

There are so many great smoothie recipes online. After you've made a few you can start experimenting with different variations. Some of my ingredients for smoothies are: bananas, avocados, kiwi, pineapple, mango, raspberries, blueberries, yogurt, peaches, and coconut water.

You can also add flax seeds and chia seeds or just about ANY fruit or vegetable. My husband goes rogue sometimes and starts adding celery and peppers, raw eggs, milk kefir, and anything else he stumbles upon in the fridge. Needless to say, I don't drink HIS smoothies. I just stand nearby with 911 on speed dial.

Please share your favorite smoothie recipe below. As long as it doesn't have peppers and eggs in it, I'll try it. Or ham.


Praying Daily for Your Children

On Tuesday evenings my daughter, Elizabeth, and I go to our church for Bible study classes. In two years we will earn a Bible Studies certificate. This semester one of our classes is Survey of the Old Testament taught by our church's pastor emeritus, who was a faithful pastor at our church for over 46 years! My parents went to this church before I was born so I grew up hearing his preaching.

This past Tuesday night we were studying the books of 1 and 2 Samuel. He was talking about one of the reasons Samuel was such a great man of God is because he had a faithful, praying mother. He spoke to the ladies in the room and told us that is the best thing we could be for our children.

I agree. I don’t say that with self-righteousness in any way. I say that convicted and knowing I can ALWAYS do better. No one has arrived as the "prayer warrior" they need to be, especially me.

Also, guess what? Today is my birthday. :) When my former pastor said that to us it made me think about my life and my upcoming birthday. I know I want to be the best momma and wife and daughter and sister (and so on) that I can be. I hope we all want that.

My desire is for my children to one day say *I* was a faithful praying mother.

Today, I wanted to share the way I pray for my kids. It is using a monthly calendar. You may have seen one before or even use one yourself. I took the idea and created one specifically for my children, but it is generic enough for every mother (or father) who wants to pray daily for their child if you do not already have a schedule or format.

I am also sharing an alternate idea I created for praying daily for your child. It takes the calendar idea above and makes it more compact so that you can pray for these attributes or virtues for your children in a week's time.
What I like about this format is that you can print it on cardstock, cut it out into cards, and keep it in your purse, Bible, or like I have tried, the pocket of my big barn coat I wear each time I take the dog out on walks around our property. As I walk the dog I can pull out my next card and pray as I walk. Us mothers are good at multitasking, am I right? You can also punch holes in the top left corner and use a book ring to hold them together if you would like.

Either way you can print these off and put them somewhere where you will see them and use them each day. Maybe in your desk at work to use on lunch break or during some downtime, in one of your bathroom drawers so as you get ready each day you can use them, in the laundry room so while you are doing laundry you can pray....use those times throughout the day to pray for your children or husband or friends, etc.

For my husband I created one as well. I honestly know I could spend hours praying, and I pray throughout the day as I think of friends and family. I have found it is the one thing I can DO when I do not know the words or cannot help in any other way. Being on the receiving end of prayers in times past, I know how important it is to have friends praying and how much you can FEEL it when you are going through something.

Several months back I created a prayer journal using ideas I found online and from a lady I know. I don’t know about you but very often I get overwhelmed with all the people I want to pray for – immediate family, extended family, church friends, other friends, church staff, missionaries, government, ME. Yep, there is a LOT I need and want to pray about so putting it together in an organized manner really helped me. (I may share the whole design one day.)

My hope is that this will be an encouragement to you and a tool that will be useful in your prayer life.

Do you already have a schedule you use to pray for your family? Tell me about how yours works!

Homemade Butter

We have been buying raw milk for a year or so and sometimes I will take the time to make my own butter. It is so easy, I really should do it more often.

The first time I made it I called two of my great-aunts to find out how to do it. Of course I had already looked it up online and had a game plan, but I thought it would be a good way to bond with my aunts. Neither of them remembered much about it except the churning part. Apparently "Mama" did all the rest. When I told them my plan they were shocked to think you could do it in a blender.

But before we get into the HOW, lets talk about the WHY? Just like anything else you want, you can purchase butter at the grocery store, and we are a busy bunch of people, and have no time for such things as churning butter. For heaven's sake, Dancing With the Stars is on and my three kids each play three different sports and I can't miss a single game or they will be scarred for life and turn into serial killers. Yeah, that's not me. 

Milk that comes from grass fed (pastured) cows is high in Omega 3s, and a rich source of vitamins A, E, D, and K. It is nutrient rich, containing trace minerals that are often deficient in a traditional diet, and is a healthy fat. Butter purchased at the store is almost always made from the milk of cows who have an almost exclusive diet of grains, mostly corn and soy which are genetically modified and sprayed heavily with pesticides. Store bought butter is high in Omega 6s which is linked to multiple health concerns. 

In addition to being grass fed, the milk we get is raw, meaning it hasn't been pasteurized. Pasteurization is where they heat the milk to kill bacteria. It not only kills bacteria, but also vitamins and enzymes. It is the enzymes in the milk that help us digest it. When the enzymes are destroyed our bodies have a hard time processing it. Many people who are lactose intolerant find they can digest raw milk with no problems. This is because the lactase (enzyme) in the milk helps us digest the lactose (protein). A lot of the vitamins are also destroyed. Then they add stuff to make it not smell bad and add fake vitamin D. 

But wait! Its not safe to drink if its not pasteurized. That is what we've been told, but its not actually true. For thousands of years people drank unpasteurized milk and lived to tell about it. It was only in the early 1900's when the industry became more commercialized and cows were brought into barns and fed slop in unsanitary conditions that the cows became sick and produced milk that NEEDED to be pasteurized. Milk from a healthy cow doesn't need to be pasteurized. 

Then there is the whole subject of the hormones and antibiotics given to the dairy cows to make them produce more milk. Those hormones are transferred from the cow to the milk and is to blame for a lot of hormonal imbalances that people suffer from today. I don't have time to go there right now. 

Did you know that raw milk doesn't go bad? It will sour after a couple of weeks as the lactic acid (bacteria) in it consumes the sugars in the milk. It gradually becomes less sweet, and then sours, but it not unsafe to drink. If you don't like the taste, you can still use it to cook with. Pasteurized milk will go bad and is not safe to drink once it begins to smell. 

So, if you are interested in finding RAW milk in your area, ask around at your farmer's market. Chances are someone will know where to point you. You can also go HERE to find a local source. 

Okay, now on to the butter! Real butter is so delicious! 
First you let the cream rise to the top of your jar and siphon it off. I find a turkey baster works really well for this. We let it sit out on the counter for a couple of days to make "cultured" butter. You can make butter right away but it a sweet cream butter and has a milder taste. We prefer the richer taste of the cultured butter. 

Then, I pour the cream into my blender and run it through several cycles. It usually takes about four minutes or so and then you can see the yellow butter float to the top of the jar. Then you pour it through a fine strainer. The milk that is left is buttermilk and is excellent for cooking. My husband and grandfather love to drink the buttermilk. That's fine with me. They can have it. 

While the blender is doing the 'churning' I prepare a bowl of ice water that is used to wash the butter. I sit my strainer down in the bowl of cold water and start 'working' it with the back of a wooden spoon. This gets the rest of the buttermilk out of it. It is an important step. If you don't get the milk out, it will sour more quickly. It doesn't last long enough at my house to matter. 

After you've gotten all the milk out of the butter, you can decide whether to salt it or not. Some choose to leave it unsalted and salt it as needed, but I usually salt it at this stage. I don't really know how much to tell you, it depends on how much butter you have. You'll know. 

All that's left to do is put it in a cute little bowl, wash the dishes, take some pictures and write a blog post. Oh wait, ya'll don't have to do that last part. All YOU have to do is make a piece of toast and ENJOY!  

So, what do you think? Am I crazy for making my own butter? For feeding my family milk that hasn't been pasteurized?  It might sound intimidating, but it is really easy! 


Homemade Dusting Spray and Furniture Polish

This is the FIRST all-natural, homemade recipe I tried when I started having a hard time dealing with cleaning and all the chemical fragrances that came along with it. When I dusted my furniture with a popular commercial aerosol brand I would feel sick afterwards (headaches, tired, sometime almost feverish). It was already bad enough that dusting was my least favorite chore. (I blame it on the fact that it was one of my main chores as a child. lol)

So a little over two years ago I started looking for a recipe to make my own furniture polish and dusting spray. I found a LOT but like I always seem to do (I get this from my grandmother), I did my own thing.

By the way, I do this in cooking too. I look at recipes and think about them and read comments and reviews and take what I like from them to create my own.

This recipe will
  • save you money (like 50 cents in supplies versus $4)
  • not leave your furniture streaky or greasy
  • let you control what chemicals natural ingredients go in your home
  • dust, clean, and shine your wood furniture
  • be fun to make (Okay, so everyone doesn't feel that way but I feel like a homesteader – think Laura Ingalls – when I’m making my own natural cleaners.....and deodorant.....and chicken stock.....)

Homemade Dusting Spray and Furniture Polish
printable recipe here

1 3/4 cups distilled water
1/4 cup white vinegar
2 tablespoons jojoba oil (olive oil or fractionated coconut oil)
15-20 drops essential oil (lemon, orange, or grapefruit*)

Pour all ingredients into a spray bottle. Shake to mix each time you go to dust. Oil and water does not mix. Spray on a microfiber cloth or rag and start dusting!

  • Citrus essential oils are favored over others to add to the recipe because of their cleansing and purifying qualities. They freshen air from environmental impurities. Essential oils that fall in this category include bergamot, grapefruit, lemon, lime, orange, or the invigorating blend. You could even mix your own citrus oils to get a lemonade scent like I did on my post, Essential Oil Perfume. I'm always happy to answer any questions about using essential oils. Send me an email if interested in where/how to buy 100% therapeutic grade essential oils.
  • Other cooking oils can work for this recipe but you need to make a smaller batch as most oils can go bad in less than a year.
  • Use leftover mismatched socks to help you dust by putting them on your hand and spraying them to polish furniture.
Question time! Do you like to dust? What's your favorite chore? What about your least favorite chore? I'm thinking if my kids dislike the chores as adults that they did as kids like I do then they'll hate everything. Ha ha!

Congrats! You're Grounded!

For those of you who don't know, I am the mother of three terrific kids. My oldest two are only seventeen months apart. I remember back to when they were babies, and toddlers, and preschoolers and there were days I thought I would die. There were other days where I wanted to die. It was hard! Throw in a good dose of postpartum depression and its a miracle any of us survived. I know some of you are there now.

I could tell you its going to get better... and it does. There is definitely a sweet spot during the middle years. They are old enough to communicate with and even though there are ups and downs, for the most part, parenting in these years is fun. You can play games and go places. Parks are fun, going to birthday parties is fun, even doing chores together can be fun, because everything is new to them. They're so sweet and innocent and they love to snuggle. My youngest is still in this stage. I am savoring every moment because I know what's coming...

Then they hit the tween/teen years. Just today I told a friend there isn't enough essential oils in the world to get me through having two adolescents at the same time. A boy and a girl. I kinda understand where my daughter is coming from, but I'm pretty sure my son was switched at birth and may not even be the same species as me. From what I'm told, everything I am experiencing is very normal. Apparently ALL teens go through this stage. All of a sudden there are mood swings, debating, arguing, unexplained crying, and a whole lot of attitude to go along with it all.

Its not all bad, its just that when they're younger they obey and don't question EVERY SINGLE THING YOU SAY. All day. Every Day.

All my kids are educated using a classical model. If you don't do it, you probably have no idea what that means. I sure didn't. Let me give you the Cliffs Notes version. Classical education recognizes that there are three stages of development, grammar, dialectic, and rhetoric. There are different names for these stages but they mean the same things. In the grammar stage a child is able to absorb a lot of information and memorize easily. They can memorize things that are beyond their understanding. In math they memorize formulas that they will not use for years. My six year old can skip count his multiplication tables up to 15x15 even though he only has a basic understanding of what multiplication is. He is at a stage where he can learn this easily. Later, when I teach him multiplication, as soon as he understands the concept, he will very quickly learn to multiply because he already knows all his facts. He can tell you the area of a triangle even though he doesn't even know what area means. But one day, when we get to that part, as soon as he understands it will click and he won't struggle to remember all these formulas. They memorize history facts and dates. Last year we were reading something that mentioned the date 1942. I asked them if they knew what happened in 1942 and my daughter was able to tell me that World War II was going on because of a history sentence they had memorized. I'm sure you're wondering where I am going with this. Hang on. I'm getting there.

The second stage of learning is the dialectic stage. During this stage, kids are much more curious and begin to ask questions. When we are memorizing a history, science, or math fact, my daughter will ask me what that means or why? Or why does she need to know this. She has moved into the dialectic stage. She is no longer willing to just accept everything I say in the same way she did when she was eight or nine. Now she needs to know these truths for herself. I tell myself it is a good thing, and is a sign that she and her older brother are developing their skills of logic and reasoning.

The truth is it drives me crazy! It totally wears me down to answer millions of questions an hour and I feel like I am constantly having to explain myself. Before I move on to the REAL topic of this post, I want to tell you about the last phase.

The final stage of learning is called the rhetoric stage. At this point the child (or adult) has learned not only the facts of a subject, and can ask questions and discuss it, but they have reached the point of mastery. Not only do they understand it in its entirety, but they can teach it to someone else.

Here is an example of how a child would move through the three stages of learning when it comes to reading. In the beginning, the grammar phase, you show the child the letters and begin to say them as you point to them. Then he or she begins to learn the sounds of each letter. During the dialectic phase of reading they are reciting back to you the sounds and starting to sound out words. Eventually they are able to piece together sentences and then paragraphs, but still get stumped and have to ask for help. When one reaches the rhetoric stage, he can read fluently and if he comes across an unfamiliar word, has the skills to look it up and understand. Additionally, he is able to teach someone else how to read, because he has mastered the material.

Okay, back to how I'm going to run off an join the circus because I have one nerve left and everyone in my family is on it! I swear if one more person asks me "why" I am going to sew their lips together. I can do it too. I have two sewing machines and a serger. Don't mess with me.

The thing about these tween/teen years is that you are basically starting over as a parent. All the tips and tricks you've learned don't work anymore. Its like somebody snuck in and did a freaky Friday thing on your kids. Your whole discipline program has to be reworked. Taking away privileges or electronics seems to be the most effective thing for us these days, so "You're grounded!" is a phrase that has been uttered more than once in our neck of the woods.

Recently I was thinking about how well "grounding" works and decided that we needed more than just TIME to get back privileges. They needed to EARN them back. Way back in the empty part of my brain I remembered some woman had come up with a chore chart of sorts to make her children earn back their privileges. BAZINGA! That is just what I needed. I printed hers off and used it in a pinch, but knew I wanted to make my own that fit my needs better. Hers is not editable and has the names of her children on it, and when my kids are in trouble is not the best time to discuss who Ashley, Ryan, and Adam are. You can edit this document and add/delete chores to make it work best for you.

I'll have to refrain from looking for opportunities to ground them just so I can get my house cleaned for free. Here it is.
Click to download

Before I sign off, I do want to say that I really do have great kids and love them all dearly! I cling to my belief that all the struggles in my life, including parenting, are being used by my heavenly Father to conform me into the image of Christ. Through it all I'm getting more kind, more gentle, more patient... VERY slowly, but surely.

Have a blessed weekend friends. I am on a road trip with some ladies from church to be trained for an upcoming conference we are doing in the spring. Please say a prayer for safe travels for us.
