
Christmas Shopping Guide for Ladies

Hello friends! I'm a day late on this post because I had a dentist appointment that just about killed me. I was fine while I was there, but as the day went on and the numbness went away, I felt terrible. I had a filling on one of my top, back teeth and they practically hung me from my feet to get to it. I was having muscle spasms in my neck from being in that crazy position! I'm feeling much better today. Thanks for asking.

Its time to get serious about Christmas. We don't buy for everyone we know and go overboard for Christmas in our family, but there are some people I still want to give a gift to. I stress over gifts because I always want the recipient to really like it. I've received so many gifts in my life that just got put in a closet or drawer and sold two years later in a garage sale. Plus now, with our healthy/natural lifestyle, gift giving is even a little MORE complicated than it was before. I don't burn candles with synthetic fragrances in my home or use all that scented bath and body products because I don't want the exposure to the chemicals, so I can't very well give those things to people I love, even if they use them. But, most people wouldn't be excited about getting bag of dried organic elderberries or beeswax pellets like I would be.

That means I have to work a little harder to find gifts that I can feel good about giving, the recipient likes, and is reasonably priced. I also would like to suggest you don't give decorative items for someone's house unless you're SURE they would like it. I'm talking you're BFFs and you always love the same things. It is awkward for someone to give you a picture to hang on your wall but you really don't like it but you know they will be at your house and will be looking for it. I've been thinking about this post for several days and scoured the internet and read dozens of gift giving guides. The following suggestions are what I have come up with. I may add to it as I come up with more ideas, so check back.

1. Gloves with Smart Touch Technology.
When you are wearing gloves you can't use a touch screen, but they are now making gloves that will allow you to text and swipe without having to remove one glove. I have a whole basket of gloves and scarves, but I don't have any that allow for this, so I would be happy to receive a pair myself if anyone is wondering.
I've seen them several places this week, but if you like to shop online you can get them on Amazon HERE. 

2. Water Bottle with Storage
I ran across this idea months ago and think it is a great idea! I love that you can store cash, your debit card, and key in it. It is available HERE

4. Boot Socks
Everyone is wearing boots these days and they are adorable. The best place to find ones that are unique is on Etsy. I love the idea of supporting women (and some men) who are using their God given abilities to create one of a kind items so that they can support their families. Click HERE to see some of the options available. 

5. Sea Salt Caramels
Oh me, oh my! I can't believe nobody ever thought of this until a few years ago. I feel like the first thirty years of my life were wasted. I buy the Nice brand at Walgreens and saw a box at Sam's this week. I'm sure they're availble in a variety of places, but if you can't find them locally, you can get them HERE

6. Gift Cards
I know gift cards seem like a cop-out, but if I'm honest, I'll admit I love getting them! I can be picky and for the most part would rather pick it out myself. It is guilt-free shopping for yourself. As a mom with three kids whose feet won't stop getting bigger I always feel at least a little guilt when I shop for myself, because I know there are things they need. Gift cards take the guilt away, so I really enjoy them. Here are some options to consider:
Amazon - because really, if Amazon doesn't have it, there is a good chance it doesn't exist.
Etsy - because there are some amazingly talented people making and selling beautiful, handmade items at great prices.
Restaurant - Does the recipient have a favorite restaurant? You can even print out your own gift certificate to have lunch or dinner together at your favorite place to go together and then you pick up the check.
Spa - What lady doesn't like to get her nails done or get a massage? The price on this can vary greatly depending on the location and services offered, but you can find a place in  your budget and give a gift certificate. I can guarantee it won't go to waste.

7. Jewelry
This one might be considered self-serving, but I do think they are both great gift ideas. Both are available in my Etsy shop. The first is a Bird's Nest pendant. I make them in silver or bronze and they are made to order with a specified number of bead 'eggs.' many women like to have the number of eggs to correspond with the number of children they have, or some other significant number.
The other item in my Etsy shop is this silver ring. It is sterling silver and you can choose from about forty different stones. I have about ten of these rings that I wear and honestly, I get compliments on them ALL THE TIME. The price is very reasonable considering that is it real silver and real gemstones. 
Both the ring and bird's nest pendant can be purchased by going to my Etsy shop HERE

I hope you've found something from my list that you can use for one of the ladies on your list this year. 

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