
Cinnamon & Honey Roasted Sweet Potatoes

Hi friends! How are you liking the time change? The mornings are great. The evenings... not so much. In Tennessee, where I live, mother nature seems like she might be off her medication and her bi-polar tendencies are showing again. It was in the 70s on Thursday, was cooler on Friday, and we woke up to snow on Saturday. Not just a little dusting... I'm talking three inches! It was beautiful. It was pretty strange to see snow on trees that were still hanging on to their bright red and yellow leaves.

I love fall. I love the colors and the smells and how blue the sky is contrasted against the mountains. I always wish it could last a little longer, but I know if it did we wouldn't savor every moment like we do. But you're not here for a sermon on how much I like fall.

Today I want to share a simple recipe with you. Several weeks ago I spent a Saturday making up a whole bunch of freezer meals. I plan do do a post on that soon. It has been great having them and the Lord must have put it on my heart to do it when I did, because I have had a lot of company the last month and it has been wonderful not having to think about what to make or running to the grocery store as often. I have a couple of meals where the meat is prepared and ready to cook, and all I need to do is add a side.

Sweet potatoes are among my favorite vegetables, and roasting them is my favorite way to prepare them. I'm usually running short on time, and baking them can take too long. I simply wash and peel them, then dice them up. I usually make about four at a time for my family.

After your potatoes are diced, in a small bowl mix together 1/3 cup of honey and 1/4 cup of olive oil with a tablespoon of cinnamon. I also added a teaspoon or so of Allspice. Mix that up and pour it over the diced sweet potatoes. Then, just put that in a shallow dish (I use a large baking stone with a rim) and bake on 450 for about 45 minutes.

My husband picked up some butter with cinnamon and honey already blended in at the farmer's market this weekend because he thought I would like it. He was wrong. I don't like it, I LOVE it. However, I realize some of you might not have awesome husbands that go to the market every Saturday morning. Don't despair. It is quite simple to whip this up on your own. Let one stick of butter soften to room temperature and add 1/4 cup of honey, a tsp of cinnamon and a little bit of powdered sugar. Maybe around a tablespoon. I don't actually measure it. Blend it with a hand mixer and you're good to go. I don't recommend eating it all at once. At least have the decency to put it on a piece of toast.

Put a dollop of this delicious concoction on your roasted sweet potatoes and die. I'm serious. You will melt right along with the butter. I served this tonight at our home group and all the women immediately demanded the recipe. I was going to make it a family secret and take it to my grave, but I was afraid that would be imminent if I didn't spill the beans. I figured since the secret is already out, I'd share it with you too.

I hope ya'll like it! Let me know if you have a favorite way to prepare sweet potatoes that you think might be better than this! I double dog dare ya.

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