
Excuse Me Ma'am, I Think There's Something Wrong with Your Salt.

Let's talk about salt. Salt is bad for you, right? Everything that tastes really good is really bad. Isn't that what we've been taught? While that may sometimes be true, it is NOT true in the case of salt, at least not REAL salt.

Table Salt
Isn't all salt real? Yes, and no. It is true that all salt comes from the earth and actually all salt is sea salt because it all comes from salted bodies of water. Most of the salt consumed today is table salt which contains 97.5% sodium chloride and the other 2.5% is composed of aluminum, silica (moisture absorbent), and synthetic iodine which is difficult for our bodies to process. It has also been chemically 'cleaned' and heated at 1200 degrees which alters its chemical structure from its natural form.

We have all heard that too much salt is bad for you and will cause you to have high blood pressure. It is true that table salt, in any amount, isn't good for your body. It is not in its natural form and with the additives it does more harm than good.

We can't completely eliminate salt from our diets because salt is necessary to LIVE! We would literally die without it. Plus it tastes so good we would WANT to die without it. So before you get all worked up, I have some good news for you. There is an alternative. One that is actually good for you! Say what???

Sea Salt
Most everyone knows about sea salt. It is beside the 'regular' salt in the store and costs twice as much. Thankfully salt is really cheap, so even 'twice as much' is still cheap. But still, for years I reached past it for the standard table salt. Then, a few years ago I learned about the difference between table salt and sea salt. Sea salt is taken from the sea (hence the name) and is for the most part unrefined. Okay, we will just switch to sea salt. Problem solved. Next.

Not so fast... you see, there is a problem here too. Our oceans have become increasingly polluted over the last several decades (thanks Exxon!) and sea salts, although better than table salt, are somewhat contaminated. A lot of sea salt is now being refined in much the same way table salt is.

I know. I build you up, just to let you down, but don't despair. There IS an excellent alternative.

Himalayan Sea Salt. 
Himalayan salt is buried deep within the Himalayan mountains (hence the name) where it has been protected for thousands of years and is not contaminated by modern pollutants. I mentioned that table salt is 97.5% sodium chloride. That is because all the minerals and elements that were originally in it are stripped away in the refining process. Himalayan salt is not refined and contains 84 other minerals and elements that are beneficial. In fact 85% of Himalayan salt is sodium chloride, and the other 15% is other trace elements and minerals. This is wonderful news, because the food we eat, unless you are doing your own organic gardening, is largely grown in soil that has been over-farmed and is depleted of these vital elements and minerals. Traditional farming uses chemical fertilizers that actually chelate minerals FROM the soil. I'm always recommending to my friends that they take a trace mineral supplement because of this reason. Himalayan salt is another way to get more minerals in our bodies. A few of the minerals contained in Himalayan salt are sulphate, magnesium, calcium, potassium, bicarbonate, bromide, borate, and strontium. You are likely more familiar with some of those than others, but they are ALL necessary for you body to function properly.

Did I mention it is pink? That's the funnest part! It is interesting to see people's reaction the first time they see it. They're all like, "uh... what's wrong with this salt?"

Some of the benefits of consuming Himalayan sea salt include:

Improved circulation
Balance electrolytes
Prevent muscle cramping
LOWER blood pressure
Boosts metabolism
Improved nutritional absorption in intestines
Increased hydration
Balance pH (acid reflux)
Remove toxins from the body
Naturally antimicrobial

Himalayan sea salt is pretty easy to find. I've purchased it from the grocery store and often find it at TJ Maxx for a good price. It is more expensive, but at around $5 a bottle, it is still very reasonable. I have a bottle with a grinder that I use to season our food. For cooking, you will need a bottle of 'loose' salt that you can measure out for recipes. You can find it ground coarse or smooth. If you like shopping on Amazon, try this option.

I hope you try the Himalayan salt. It tastes great. If you already use it, comment below so our other readers will know how great it tastes in addition to the health benefits.


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