
DIY Air Freshener

Today I want to share a cute idea I saw on a handout that shows ways you can use essential oils in your car.

Some of the ideas are:
1. Make a first aid kit using sample bottles of some of the 'emergency' oils and bandaids, etc. I've already been using it on my thireen year old who can be somewhat contrary at times when it comes to using the oils. He thinks I've given up and gone back to 'normal' stuff. <insert evil mom laugh> If he only knew...
2. Make a window cleaner using 4 oz vinegar in a spray bottle with three drops of lemon essential oil. Spray and wipe with a newspaper for streak free shine.
3. Chrome cleaner made from equal parts white vinegar and water and four drops of lemon essential oil. Spray on your wheels and work it in with a rag or sponge.
4. Tire cleaner made from a paste of 2 parts baking soda to 1 part water and 5 drops of lemon essential oil. Work the paste in with a scrub brush, let sit for a few minutes, and rinse.
5. Interior protectant made form a cup of olive oil and five drops of lemon. Use a clean cotton cloth to wipe a small amount onto the dashboard and all plastic or vinyl surfaces. Wipe off with a clean cloth to remove any excess.

BUT, I want to share with you how I made my own air freshener using a piece of felt and a few drops of oil.

I've already shared about the problem with synthetic fragrances in a previous post, but for those of you who missed it, there are quite a few reasons that you would want to bother making your own as opposed to buying one from a store. Many people are highly sensitive to fragrances. For some it can cause shortness of breath and asthma-like symptoms. For others it causes headaches, migraines, dizziness, and fatigue. None of these are good to have when you are driving a car. Most fragrance chemicals contain volatile organic compounds which are respiratory irritants. Ninety five percent of the chemicals in fragrances are petroleum based synthetic compounds.

So, just because we don't want to get a rash and have symptoms that mimic a heart attack, doesn't mean we don't like pleasant scents. Well, this is your lucky day! Not only is there a safe alternative to synthetic fragrances, using essential oils can actually have therapeutic benefits. Say what??? Its true. I know you're excited, but try to maintain your composure.

First, get your box of wool down from the top shelf of the closet in your guest bedroom and dump it out all over your kitchen table. What's that? You don't have a whole box of wool? You don't buy wool sweaters at garage sales and squirrel them away for future craft projects. You don't buy skeins of wool yarn from Michael's when they're on sale? You don't have sheets of wool felt in every pantone color? That's really strange. I guess you can just go to Wal*Mart and buy a sheet of felt in the craft department for a quarter. Felt is also available at Hobby Lobby, Michael's, and anywhere craft supplies are sold. I really like wool felt, but I'm not sure where you can buy it locally. I always buy mine online. Don't despair if you can't find wool felt, any felt will work just fine.

So, this craft project is BEGINNER level. Seriously, if you can't do this, you might want to go back to kindergarten.

1. Print off an outline of a tree (or draw one yourself)  that is about four inches tall to use as a pattern.
2. Cut out the tree.
3. Trace outline onto felt using a black Sharpie.

4. Cut felt just inside the black line.

5. Poke a hole on the top of your tree with a hole punch or a nail, or anything sharp enough to poke through it.

6. Tie a 10" string through the hole and knot at top.
7. Apply five drops of your favorite essential oil to the felt

8. Hang it from your rear-view mirror and enjoy.

Be aware that your essential oil air freshener will not maintain its scent as long as a store-bought one. You might need to add some drops every few days to keep your car smelling fresh, but most of the oils, if you consider the price per drop (if purchased at wholesale price), are very inexpensive. Lemon is only four cents a drop, and citrus bliss is five cents. 

There may be a few of you out there who are too lazy  busy to take five seconds and cut a piece of felt but still like the idea of having an essential oil air freshener in your car. Never fear, I've got you covered too. Just put a couple drops of your oil of choice on a cotton ball and stuff it in the AC vent. As the air circulates through the vehicle the aroma will be distributed. In actuality, this might even work better than the felt, but isn't as attractive, so that's a decision you'll need to make for yourself. Maybe spend some time praying and fasting so you don't do something you regret.

I recommend you avoid using lavender in the car because it is very relaxing, and that it is not good to get too relaxed when you're driving. I know, it smells all dreamy and makes you chill. I'm glad you love it. Use it the second you get home. Deal?

This was a fun little project that took me all of ten minutes to do. I hope you enjoy it! Please comment if you try it.


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