
10 Natural Headache Solutions

I apologize for this post being late, but I had a headache. Just kidding. I rarely get headaches, but I know so many of you suffer with them. As my essential oil business grows, I realize even more how many people are affected by frequent headaches. Headache relief is at the top of the list of common complaints. I've been doing a little research to find recommendations for my clients and wanted to share my findings with you.

As my family continues to move towards a more and more natural lifestyle, I wanted to find options that work, but don't have harmful side effects or introduce more toxins. I'm doing my best to eliminate toxins! We live in a toxic world, and there is much we can't control, but there are things we CAN control! With that in mind, I encourage you to try one or more of the following options the next time you have a headache. Keep in mind that not all headaches are caused by the same thing, so it makes sense that there isn't one cure for all headaches.

Let's start with my favorite subject these days. You guessed it, essential oils. I have found essential oils to be very effective with headaches of all kinds. You just have to identify the type of headache you have and use the right oils. When I say "I have found them to be effective" I really mean several of my clients have gotten relief.

Migraines: This is the most severe type of headache. Symptoms vary, but can include throbbing pain, nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light.

Recommended essential oils for migraines include, tension blend, wintergreen, peppermint oil, and basil for pain. I have read testimonials of people who use the tension blend on the back of their neck, put wintergreen on their temples, and apply frankincense to the roof of their mouth with their thumb. That sounds a little complicated to me, but I suppose I'd try just about anything if I suffered from migraines.

Tension headaches: Also known as 'stress headaches' they are characterized by a dull, constant pressure or pain. They can sometimes last for days and are often brought on by stress.

Recommended oils for tension headaches include: tension blend, peppermint, and wintergreen. I have had two clients whose headaches went away with citrus oils. In the instance of the first, she keeps a citrus blend and peppermint on her at all times and uses it at the first sign of a headache. She reports only having to use an over-the-counter medicine once since she discovered the oils. Prior to that it was at least weekly.

Sugar headache: This headache is caused by low blood sugar and can often be eliminated simply by eating.

If eating doesn't make the headache go away, using a blend of wild orange, cinnamon, clove, rosemary, and eucalyptus can be a quick, effective solution.

When you are using essential oils for a headache, you can apply them topically to the back of the neck, the forehead, or to the temples. Only 1-2 drops is needed. You can also use aromatically by using a diffuser or by applying to your hands and cupping them over the mouth and nose and inhaling.

Okay, now that we've talked about my favorite option, there are other things you might want to consider. Many of these are common sense, but some of them were new to me, so hopefully you will find something new for your arsenal in your fight against headaches.

It is no surprise that what you eat could be contributing to frequent headaches. Although there is a lot of debate about what you should be eating, it is undisputed that we should ALL be eating more vegetables, especially GREEN ones. Make an effort to eat clean, eliminating processed foods as much as possible. Also, because chemicals and pesticides can CAUSE headaches, eating organic is the best option if you can afford it.

I've been tempted to fake a headache before just so I could take a nap. I have found naps to be helpful to me when I do get one.

The warm water can relax muscles and the steam can help clear clogged sinuses, so often taking a hot shower can be an easy fix.

So maybe the hot shower didn't work for you. Try putting an ice pack on the back of your neck.

Take a walk outside in fresh air or do some simple stretching or light yoga. You'll feel better even if your headache lingers.

Many of us are stay partially dehydrated. This is a major cause of headaches. Drinking plenty of water not only rehydrate our cells, but help flush out toxins taking the headache with it.

Have you seen those necklaces babies are wearing these days? They're make from Baltic Amber and help with teething pain. Many moms swear they can tell a difference in their babies when they're wearing their teething necklaces vs. when they're not. The good news is that they make them for adults too. The amber contains a natural analgesic that is good for pain. Here are two I found online that you might consider.

Both a massage or a trip to your chiropractor can offer relief. I've talked to people who KNOW they have a pinched nerve, but prefer to take pain medication than see a chiropractor. They usually say they are scared, and I can understand that, but if the problem is mechanical, and getting your spine in proper alignment will fix the problem, it it makes no sense to try to mask the problem with pain medication. When the medicine wears off, the problem is still there. Get some good recommendations for chiropractors in your area and GO! 

Massage helps when you know it is stress or tension that is causing your headache. Unless the cost of the massage adds more stress, then you might defeat the purpose. Otherwise, give it a try. 

There is so much truth in the saying "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." If you can identify what is triggering your headache and take steps to eliminate or reduce it, you won't have to deal with treating your headaches as often. 

I wasn't going to post this, but there is one other thing you can do for a headache... You know the saying "Not tonight, honey. I have a headache." ? Well, it turns out someone got some bad advice. Sex is actually GOOD MEDICINE when it comes to headaches. So when I do get a headache, it's more like "Honey, I have a headache." <wink> <wink>  Don't tell anyone you heard this from me, okay. It will be our little secret. Just me, you, and the world wide web.

I hope you find some of these solutions helpful. Do YOU have a natural solution that works for your headaches? If so, please share below. 


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