
Detox Baths

I've often said there's not much that a hot bath and/or chocolate can't cure. I've always loved to soak in the tub. Sometimes I will read a book and sometimes I just sink down and close my eyes. I've been known to fall asleep in the tub, but that's not on purpose, and probably not a great idea. I like to think I look something like this...

Although I've always enjoyed baths, it was only after I started doing research on detoxing, that I realized how good they are for my health. You see, I've always put a cup or so of epson salt in my bath, and in the past year or so I started adding essential oils to my bath. As it turns out, I've been taking detox baths and didn't even know it!

Here's the deal with detoxing. We live in a toxic world. We are bombarded with chemicals everywhere we go. Even if we are going to great lengths to eliminate or reduce toxins in our home, we are exposed everywhere we go. Harsh chemicals used to clean commercial buildings, chemical laden soaps in public restrooms, hydrocarbons in the atmosphere, and herbicides sprayed in parks. Then there is all the insecticides sprayed on our food and VOCs in paints, and the off-gassing of formaldehyde in carpets and furniture.

God designed our bodies to handle and eliminate waste through our liver, kidneys, and other organs, but we are exposed to so many environmental toxins that our bodies struggle to eliminate them effectively. There is no doubt that people are having more and more dysfunction of these vital (as in, you HAVE to have them to LIVE) organs than ever before.

There are a few things we can do to help our bodies eliminate toxins.

1. Drinking water- fresh spring water is ideal, but if that is not an option, drink water that is filtered to reduce the amount of chlorine and other chemicals in the water.
2. Eating clean- this means lots of fruits and vegetables that have high water content. Try to eat organic as much as you can.
3. Detox baths- a couple times a week helps to remove toxins through the skin by sweating. Again, filtered water is preferred. When you get in the hot water your pores open up and whatever is in the water passes through your skin. The point is to reduce toxins, not increase them.

The benefit of a detox bath is that it allows waste to pass through your skin by sweating it out. Apparently sweating can build your immune system because you build white blood cells when your body temperature raises. Who knew?

In addition to allowing waste to pass OUT of your body, you are also taking IN minerals from the salt. Epson salt contains magnesium which in itself helps the body rid itself of toxins and also improves sleep and concentration. It reduces inflammation, regulates enzymes, improves muscle and nerve function, stabilizes blood sugar, and may help or prevent migraines in some people.

I also learned that the addition of bentonite clay to your detox bath is helpful in flushing metals out of your body. I've tried it a couple of times, but will probably add it no more than once a month, just because of the cost of the clay. The clay I like to the best is this one from Amazon. It has really good reviews.

In addition to epson salt and (sometimes) bentonite clay, I add 5-10 drops of essential oils to the bath. I like to use lavender because I am usually getting ready for bed and it helps me relax. Eucalyptus and melaleuca are good choices if you have any respiratory issues or just like how it feels to clear your chest and open up your airways. 

Make sure you drink plenty of water before and after your bath. You will be sweating a lot and can get dehydrated. The extra fluids will help to continue flushing toxins out of your body. 

If you have a large tub, use:
 2 cups of epson salt
1 cup bentonite clay (optional)
5-10 drops of essential oil

We've made it through another week friends, and I am looking forward to relaxing a little this weekend. Hopefully I'll find the time for a long soak. 


  1. I'm filling up my tub right now as I type....came on here to see how much Epsom salts I needed to add! I read to soak for at least 40 minutes - the first 20 minutes empties your body of toxins and the other 20 is when your body absorbs the minerals. Lookin' forward to it!

  2. I enjoyed this article and I will try your suggestions..Thanks Kristy!!


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