
Ten Natural ways to Build Your Immunity

A few weeks ago Ebola was all over the news. This week, it is Enterovirus EV-D68. EV-D68 is in the class of viruses called non-polio enterovirus. At this time there is no pharmaceutical products to prevent or treat it. Hand Foot and Mouth disease is in this same family, but is much more common. It is going around in our community right now. Even without all these scary viruses that result in hospitalizations and/or even death, we still have things like the common cold and influenza that we will ALL come in contact with every fall and winter. 

When I first heard about the Enterovirus earlier this week, I started wondering what I could do to PREVENT getting it. Our current healthcare system doesn’t focus much on prevention of anything, they spend almost all their energy on treatment. Of course there are exceptions and I know there are plenty of doctors who educate their patients on nutrition and prevention. This is, in my opinion, TRUE healthcare. When you only treat symptoms, it is really SICK care. If what I’ve read is true, even in medical school, very little attention is giving to nutrition or prevention. Most of the education is focused on treating disease. I find this very discouraging.

I decided to do some research to see what we can do to keep from getting sick in the first place. It turns out there are a lot of things you can do to boost you immune system. Most of them are easy and inexpensive. It simply involves being intentional and making good choices. You've probably heard of many of these, but may not practice them regularly. In addition to reminding you to do what you ALREADY know, hopefully you will find a few NEW things you can do to decrease your family’s chance of coming down with one of these viruses. 

I do want to interject that not all bacteria and microbes are bad. 99% are beneficial and we NEED them to survive. They are responsible for many of the functions in our body.

Bacteria are cellular. They are often only one cell big, so that makes them very tiny. Relatively speaking viruses are MUCH smaller than bacteria. They aren't even the size of a cell. They are just fragments of DNA that can't reproduce on their own. They must have a host cell in order to replicate. Technically they aren't 'alive' so you can't 'kill' them. This is why they can sit dormant on door knobs and other surfaces for long periods until they are picked up by unsuspecting hands. When they come in contact with a host cell, they hijack the cell and insert their little DNA fragment into the cell's DNA and start reproducing. (I wonder if a bacteria can get a virus? What would that be called? A bacterius?)

Because they aren't living, things like hand sanitizers do absolutely nothing to viruses. Hand sanitizers do kill bacteria, but they also kill the good bacteria that we need so they really aren't that beneficial. What DOES help when it comes to viruses is effective hand washing. Unfortunately children (and some adults) don't do this very well. It is the physical act of washing the viruses OFF of the skin that makes hand washing effective. Using warm water and rubbing your hands together creating friction is what will remove the viruses. Taking the time to teach your children proper hand washing techniques might pay off in the long run.

Your immune system is your body’s defense against diseases of all kinds. Choices that we make every day determine if we are building or destroying it. I’m going to tell you ten things you can do to build a stronger, healthier immune system. Many of these fall into both categories of prevention AND treatment. 

Before I get started, I would like to remind you that I am NOT a doctor nor have I ever played one on TV. That is a fact that I am often reminded of by those around me who aren't open to natural solutions and haven't figured out that drug companies, the Grocery Manufacturers Association, the FDA, and many of the organizations that we THINK are protecting us might actually be corrupt and have agendas of their own. However, the advice I am offering is sincere and is the product of my best research from sources I have come to trust. It is not intended to replace the advice of your medical professional. Proceed with caution.

1. Diet
In order to BUILD your immune system it is important to eat well. Everyone has opinions on what that means and there are as many 'diets' as there are people on them. The following are some foods that are known to be antiviral. Consuming them during the cold and flu season will not only reduce your chances of GETTING a virus, but will help you to get over it faster in the event that you DO come down with something.

Raw milk from grass-fed cows who don't graze in fields sprayed with chemicals. This may be a tall order, depending on where you live, but I bet you can find someone in your area who sells milk. Raw milk has probiotic bacteria (we will talk more about this later) and antimicrobial enzymes. You can read more about the benefits of raw milk by clicking HERE. Milk from cows that get to graze on grass is much more nutritional than milk from cows in CAFOs that never even SEE a blade of grass in their life, much less EAT one. These poor animals are up to their ankles in their own feces and fed grains (mostly GMO corn) exclusively.

Fermented foods such as kefir, kombucha, kimchee, and sauerkraut. Lacto-fermented foods contain both the probiotics and enzymes that are found in raw milk. More on that later. Wellness Mama has a very informative article you can read HERE. We have been experimenting with fermented beverages for some time. We made water kefir for several months and are now learning how to make kombucha. Both are inexpensive but take a little bit of work. You have to keep to a bit of a schedule with them.

Organic vegetables. I don't think much needs to be said here. In the nutrition world, the one thing EVERYONE can agree on is "Eat more vegetables!" There might be some squabbling over tomatoes vs potatoes, but nobody old enough to vote will ever tell you to limit the number of vegetables you consume.

Free-range, organic eggs. Like raw milk, Eggs from chickens that are able to run around and eat bugs and grass are much more nutritious than eggs from chickens raised indoors that have never seen the sun. The chickens raised for meat are fed so much corn that they get so fat their legs break under the weight of their own bodies. Plus they are injected with antibiotics and hormones which can be found in both the eggs and meat they produce. If you get the chance to buy 'real' eggs do a comparison between regular store bought and the free range ones. The yolks look orange in comparison and they are much more flavorful. At one time I was grossed-out by the thought of eating a brown egg. Especially one that came from a farm and might not be 'safe.' Oh how times have changed. If I can't have a REAL egg now, I don't even want one.

Garlic has been used medicinally for hundreds of years due to its antibacterial and antiviral properties. It is a panacea of herbs. It is a member of the allium family of plants. It is considered by some to be one of the healthiest foods in the world. Fresh garlic is best. Much of the potency is lost in cooking or processing, but it is still beneficial. You can also purchase garlic supplements HERE or at your local pharmacy. Consumed regularly, it reduces both the duration and incidence of a virus.

Grass Fed Beef  Just like raw milk from grass fed dairy cows is superior and eggs from chickens who are allowed to pasture, beef from cows that eat grass is much more beneficial than meat from cows raised on CAFOs. It is naturally leaner, and 7% of the fat is Omega 3s compared to only 1% in CAFO cows. It has the recommended ratio of 3:1 of omega 6 to omega 3 fats. It also has many more vitamins and minerals inlcuding vitamin E which is a potent antioxidant. 

Spices including Tumeric, Oregano, Cinnamon, and Cloves. These, among others, are known to be anti-microbial and antioxidants. Make an effort to include with your meals as often as possible, especially during cold and flu season. 

Honey  is also an antioxidant and antiviral and is known to fight the growth of both viruses and bacteria. Additionally it can be helpful in relieving symptoms as it coats a sore throat and functions as an effective cough suppressant, both of which can accompany a viral infection. Using honey combined with cinnamon is thought be be a 'miracle cure' by many. You can combine them in hot water and drink. This serves as both prevention AND treatment. Another option is to combine honey and lemon. The vitamin C in the lemon will strengthen the immune system. Again, just mix both in some warm water and drink. It is NOT recommended to give honey to babies under one year of age. Lastly, raw honey is FAR superior to honey that has been heated or treated in any way. Look for raw local honey at health food stores or at farmer's markets. Fall is a great time to buy it as the hives are usually 'robbed' late summer. 

Coconut Oil Everyone is on the coconut oil bandwagon these days, and for good reason! Guess what? It's antiviral. Are you surprised? You can replace other oils that you normally use in cooking with coconut oil or you can try oil pulling. Oil pulling takes just a little getting used to. You take  a spoonful of coconut oil, put it in your mouth and swish it around for twenty minutes, then spit it out in the garbage can. At first it seems really weird. I prefer to melt the oil before I put it in my mouth. It draws toxins out of your body and you spit it out. There are some great 'side effects' of oil pulling. It improves oral health (I can personally attest to this. Both my dentist and hygienist commented on how good my gums looked at my last cleaning.) and it is also great for acne and skin problems. Don't ask me how it works, it just does. Do an internet search on oil pulling. When I researched it for the first time about a year ago I could not find ANYTHING negative about it. Somebody has something bad to say about everything it seems. This might be difficult to do with young children, but I highly recommend it for older ones and adults. You can buy it HERE.

Fluids Everyone knows you should drink lots of water and the same holds true when you are fighting off a virus. If a fever is involved it is even more important to drink a lot as you will dehydrate faster. Another good beverage option is green tea. Green tea has antiviral and antioxidant properties and can be a great option for people who don't like to drink water. You can drink it hot or cold. There are many flavors available, so with a little trial and error, even if you don't like tea, should be able to find one that is acceptable. THIS is one options and they even have green tea for your Keurig HERE.

2. Exercise
I'm not going into a lot of detail with this, but we all know that getting regular exercise is good for you. Depending on your physical condition and opportunities available, this can range from a quick lap around the block, to watching (NOT FROM THE COUCH) an exercise video, to attending yoga, or Zumba at a local gym. Just start where you are and get moving, being careful not to overdo it like I tend to do. My exercise schedule is about once every three months. (Consistency is important.) However, when I do it, I act like I exercise five days a week. For example, LAST time I exercised it had been three months since my last session (I'm pretty strict about my schedule). I decided to do a 90 minute yoga video. P90X for those who are familiar with it. Then, because I knew it might be another three months and would need some cardio, I decided to do some interval training and ran sprints up and down my street. I was so proud of myself. I had to homeschool from bed for the next three days. Just kidding about that last part, but man... was I feelin' it! EVERY muscle in my BODY! So, when it comes to exercise, do what I say, not what I DO. Moving on...

3. Rest
Now THIS is a subject on which I can speak with authority. I understand the importance of getting enough sleep, AND I practice what I preach. If you have trouble getting to bed early, start by setting a bedtime. Most women need at least seven hours of sleep per night. One thing you can do is set an alarm on your phone to go off thirty minutes or an hour before bedtime to remind you to stop what you are doing and get ready for bed. 

Some techniques to help you unwind include taking a bath or shower before bed and NOT looking at 'screens' (big or small) for an hour before bedtime. Some find a cup of hot tea relaxing. Make sure it doesn't have caffeine in it. We have THIS sleepy time blend at home. It is also available for Keurig HERE. There are also some essential oils that are good for helping you relax. We will talk about oils to build immunity in a minute. The most popular oil that people use to help them rest at night is lavender. You can put it on your feet, your wrists, or make a lavender linen spray. (REAL lavender essential oil will work better than a lavender spray that contains synthetic lavender fragrance which contains harmful ingredients) You can make your own by adding lavender essential oil and water to a spray bottle. Other essential oils that are good for sleep include bergamot, marjoram, roman chamomile, sandalwood, vetiver, and ylang ylang. You can use the oils by applying a single drop to your skin using a carrier oil like coconut, or by using a diffuser. THIS is about the least expensive one you can find that has good reviews. 

4. Vitamin D
You may find it surprising that vitamin D is so important for your health, especially if you’re still under the impression that it’s mostly a nutrient for your bones. Most people also think that vitamin D is really a vitamin, but in reality, the active form of vitamin D is one of the most potent hormones in your body, and regulates more genes and bodily functions than any other hormone yet discovered. Vitamin D is produced as a pro-hormone in your skin after sunlight exposure, and is then converted to the potent hormone form.

According to this same article from Mercola, a Japanese study found that school children who took a vitamin D3 supplement were 58% less likely to catch Influenza A, which is a more effective than the flu vaccine without any side effects. Vitamin D from the sun is BEST as your body knows EXACTLY what to do with it! I have an alarm set on my phone for 11:30 AM that reminds me to go outside for a few minutes everyday right around noon when the sun is strong. I don't stay out too long, but a little bit of sunshine every day will keep your vitamin D levels up. Like some of the others, Vitamin D falls in both the prevention AND treatment categories. If you can't get out in the sun enough to get your vitamin D levels up, you can try a supplement like THIS one.

5. Eliminate Sugar
I hate this one. Let's just skip it. Do you want some ice cream? Seriously, though. If you feel you are coming down with something you should eliminate or DRASTICALLY reduce your sugar consumption. Sugar causes inflammation which is like a smoldering fire. You don't really see the damage it is doing until it manifests itself more fully, often in the form of what is considered to be an 'autoimmune' disease. When our bodies are dealing with inflammation, it is MUCH MORE difficult for them to deal with environmental stressors such as viruses and pathogenic bacteria. Unfortunately eliminating sugar also means eliminating grains including wheat, corn, and rice because they rapidly break down into sugar in your body. Don't be mad at me. I'm just the messenger. The fact is, if you want to optimize your body's ability to fight off diseases of ALL kinds, you HAVE to be willing to make the hard choice of reducing inflammation in your body. 

6. Essential Oils
This one might be my favorite. Partly because if essential oils were a man, I'd marry them. I love them so. Partly because after number 5, ANYTHING sounds good. I'll give an overview of essential oils that have strong antiviral properties. If you don't know much about essential oils, you can learn about what they are and how to use them on THIS post that I did earlier this week. There is a lot of information available online. THIS is my favorite reference guide.  

Clove This oil should always be diluted in a carrier oil. It is one of the stronger anti-viral oils and is also antibacterial, anti fungal, and anti parasitic. I recommend using this one by applying a drop to the bottom of your feet. It can also be used aromatically in a diffuser. It is safe for children, but it is recommended that it be heavily diluted. Use only one drop in a teaspoon of oil and spread that out over several uses. 

Eucalyptus is a versatile oil that is good for fighting viruses. It is especially beneficial for respiratory viruses, as it helps with breathing issues as well. It should be diluted 1:1 with a carrier oil. It can be inhaled or applied to the feet or chest. It is a good one to diffuse.

Melaleuca affects immune and respiratory systems. It does not NEED to be diluted, but some schools of thought ALWAYS recommend diluting ALL oils. It does not diminish the effectiveness at all, so diluting is never a bad idea. It can also be diffused.

Myrrh is an oil that is more pricey than most, but if you have it, it is quite effective against viruses. It can be applied topically or diffused. It is also effective in dealing with diarrhea, so if your particular virus includes that, you get more bang for your buck, so to speak. 

Oregano is one of the BEST antiviral and antibacterial essential oils. It affects both the respiratory and immune systems. I will tell you that this oil has a STRONG scent, and most people don't care too much for it. However, it IS effective, so my recommendation is to put it in a roller bottle and apply to the bottoms of your feet. That way you don't have to touch it with your hands. Plus this is a 'hot' oil and MUST be diluted at LEAST 3:1. If used without dilution it can cause major skin irritation. I learned this the hard way when I used it to remove skin tags. I applied it three times per day neat (without dilution) and after a couple of days my skin was extremely irritated and peeled like a bad sunburn. The good news is that the first skin tag came off in just one week, but I think I'll take the slower, less dramatic approach next time. DILUTE! You CAN also diffuse this oil, but honestly, it doesn't smell good, so I'd consider that a waste.

7. Zinc 
Zinc is a mineral that is found in food. Studies indicate that zinc supplementation is only effective in people who have either a zinc deficiency or low levels. Studies also indicate that MOST people have low zinc levels. This is due to the fact that most of our food comes from land that has been over-farmed and there are few minerals left in the soil. As a society, we tend to have low levels of MANY trace minerals. That is why my doctor has most of his patients on a daily trace mineral supplement. THIS is the one I take. Unless you eat mostly organic produce grown with sustainable practices, there is a good chance you have low zinc levels too. To get therapeutic levels to fight viruses, you will want to take a specific zinc supplement. Zinc supplements are inexpensive and can be purchased at any pharmacy or HERE. Always be careful about taking a supplement in isolation for an extended period of time, as everything works together in harmony and it can have negative effects. Taken for a short time, while you are fighting a virus or bacteria, it is shown to reduce recovery time, and is safe for children. Oh, and oysters have a CRAZY high amount of zinc, so if you like them, go wild!

8. Echinacea
Echinacea is good for all types of infections and is very well researched. It consistently demonstrates that is will help reduce both the length and severity of disease if taken at the onset. With viruses, it is less effective if you wait several days before taking it. Sometimes you might think you are just getting a cold and not address it immediately. In this case you will not reap the full benefits of this herb. One way it works is by increasing the amount of white blood cells which helps your body fight infection. If taken 5-8 times/day it can lower both the severity and duration and decrease symptoms. It is safe for children. It too is inexpensive and easily found at pharmacies. I recommend purchasing a couple of these products to have on hand so you don't have to make a special trip when you have a virus to kill!  HERE is one I recommend. 

9. Elderberry
This is a great go-to preventative for all the winter illnesses. It helps your immune system by inhibiting the replication of viruses. It does this by preventing the virus from entering the cell. Viruses cannot replicate on their own, they MUST have a host cell in order to replicate. It is most often sold as a syrup. THIS one has elderberry, echinacea and propolus, which I won't get into here, but is also recommended for children. 

10. Probiotics/Enzymes
I couldn't end this article without recommending a good probiotic. I feel like I've become an evangelist for probiotics. I believe that most people should be taking a probiotic supplement.

 Part of the problem is that we, as a society, are germophobes. We're scared to death of a 'germ.' Not only are antibiotics over prescribed and overused, but we use antimicrobial hand soaps and hand sanitizers and bleach everything that can tolerate it. We have hurt ourselves more than many people imagine. We are not only destroying harmful pathogens, but we have also disrupted the symbiotic bacteria in our digestive systems. Those bacteria are necessary for us to properly digest our food. With the addition of GMO crops into our diet, our bodies can't effectively break this foreign food down and we have all this inflammation from the sugar and grains that we consume in abundance. We develop a leaky gut and this partially digested food gets introduced into the bloodstream and begins to wreak havoc on our organs. 

I know that's a lot to throw at you in one paragraph, but that's about as brief as I know how to be about it. Probiotics bring back the bacteria that we NEED. Enzymes should be present in our food, but like the trace minerals that are deficient due to non-sustainable farming practices, our food is very low in enzymes. Consuming the raw milk and grass fed beef and pastured eggs will help as will consuming lacto-fermented foods and beverages such as sauerkraut, kefir, kimchee, and kombucha. Even if you're eating these things, you will probably still benefit from a probiotic and a digestive enzyme. A huge part of our immune system is located in our gut. THIS is the probiotic my husband and I take everyday and THIS and THIS are the two enzymes I take. 

There are a LOT of affiliate links in this post. If you choose to purchase anything using them I will receive a small commission. It does not increase your price at all. I have only included links to products I personally use and recommend and a couple that I haven't personally used (like the elderberry syrup), but researched carefully. Thank you for supporting this site. 

I have just a couple things in my notes that I haven't covered yet. 

1. In the past, if you had to cough or sneeze, the polite thing to do would be to cover your mouth with your hand to prevent spreading your cooties to everyone in the room. Well, someone finally figured out that that's not at great idea after all. You now have cooties on your hand and spread them EVERYWHERE! Every light switch, every door knob, every THING! No, I'm not suggesting you shower people with your sneezes. The PC thing to do is to sneeze or cough into your shoulder or the crook of your arm. You might know this already, but just this week I've seen people coughing into their hands, so there are some who haven't gotten the memo. I'm just trying to do my part to spread the word, not the cooties.

2. About fever... people freak out about fevers. A fever is the NATURAL way that God designed your body to deal with viruses and bacterial infections. Viruses do not reproduce at higher temperatures, so a fever will keep the virus from spreading and getting worse. If you or your child are miserable from the fever, then treat it, but if you or they feel okay, let it do its job! You will get better faster! 

This ended up being a LOT longer than I intended for it to be, but hopefully you learned a couple things that might keep you and your loved ones from getting sick this year. 

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