
Seasoning Mixes

Hi everyone! I hope you’re looking forward to a fun or relaxing weekend. There is a Nascar race in town this weekend and the regional fair is also going on, plus there is a big consignment sale, so needless to say, with school back in session, the lazy days of summer are ancient history.

Today I’d like to share two quick and easy recipes with you. They are both seasoning blends that we use regularly at my house. 

The first one is simply called Six Spice Mix because, you guessed it, it has six spices in it. The recipe was given to my husband years ago and we use this EVERY DAY OF OUR LIVES when we make scrambled eggs. My daughter has one friend that I think comes over just for the eggs. I use it when I scramble them, but she wants even more on top! The last time she was here I sent a bottle home with her and haven’t seen her since. I guess we know now. It is SO GOOD! But its not just good on eggs, we use it on just about everything! When we stir-fry vegetables, Six Spice. When we make mashed potatoes, Six Spice. When we make soups, or cauliflower, or broccoli… Six Spice. Do I need to go on, or do you get the idea?

So here is how you make it:
Six Spice Blend
1 TBSP Salt
1 TBSP Pepper
1 TBSP Onion Salt
1 TBSP Garlic Salt
1 TBSP Celery Salt
2 TBSP Seasoning Salt (we usually use Lawry’s)

Mix well in a small bowl and put in a shaker. We use THIS kind, but I also like THIS.  

Now the other recipe is a little different. I mostly just use it on chicken. I sprinkle it directly onto the chicken, like a rub, and fry it in a skillet with at couple TBSP of coconut oil to brown both sides, then I bake the chicken in the oven on 350 for about thirty minutes, or until clear juices run from the chicken. It tastes delicious and doesn't need sauce. 

Chicken Seasoning
Mix equal parts:  (I use 2 TBSP each because we go through it so quickly.)
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder

Between these two blends, we can season everything from fish and poultry, to soups and vegetables. 

I don't know if they're THE healthiest thing you can put on your food but I feel like they beat a lot of the alternatives. I've started buying organic spices when I can find them at a price I'm willing to pay. Because we try to avoid sugar, corn syrup, and MSG and other additives, many of the sauces that are commercially available have taboo ingredients. We can use these spice mixes to have tasty food without all the unwanted ingredients added.  

Either of these would actually make a thoughtful, inexpensive hostess gift by itself or packaged with some pretty new dish towels. Let me know if you try them and if you love them as much as my family does.  


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