
It's Our Birthday!

Hi Everyone! 

We are happy you are here today as we celebrate the beginning of our blog. This is something we have talked about for a while and are so eXcITeD to finally have it up and running.

Starting a website is not as simple as one might think. These days you’re also expected to have a Pinterest account, a Facebook page, a Twitter account, and Instagram. There may be more, but please don’t tell us. We’re just so proud that we have managed to pull this much off. We will eventually figure it out. (And by WE, we mean Leslie.) We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to get everything ready for YOU!

Let’s start by telling you a little bit about us. We met four years ago through a mutual friend.
(You know who you are ;))

As it turned out, we have many things in common!

The BIG things are: we both love Jesus and try to live our lives in a way that brings glory to Him. Some days we do better than others.

We are both blessed with amazing, supportive husbands and beautiful, smart, talented, funny kids. (Don't we all?!)

There are also a million LITTLE things that we have in common. We both like things to be pretty, and organized, and clean. One of us actually likes cleaning more than the other, but we won’t give that away just yet. If you stick around you’ll figure it out soon enough.

We are both starting our third year of homeschooling. We are both on a journey towards health and wellness and are learning about organic gardening, essential oils, healthy eating, and using and making natural cleaning products. We believe God has given us everything we need in nature to take care of our families and ourselves. But, if we can’t find it in nature, we can usually find it on Amazon. ;)

We enjoy being creative, whether it is decorating our homes, making cards and gifts, or sewing.

There is NO craft off limits.

Individually, over the years we’ve tried our hands at knitting, crocheting, cross-stitching, wood burning, scrapbooking, card making, painting, weaving, clay, beading and jewelry, woodworking, and countless DIYs around the house. Now that we’ve joined forces, nothing can stop us! Leslie even owns a saw.

As far as this site goes, you will likely see posts on the following topics: Home and holiday décor DIY, various craft projects, including gifts to make throughout the year for the different seasons and holidays, fashion DIY, handmade jewelry DIY, paper crafts, photography, gluten free baking and cooking, entertaining and party ideas, organic gardening and square foot gardening, growing and using herbs, essential oils, natural health information and DIY, time and money management, printables, sewing tutorials, pets,organizing, and possibly homeschooling ideas.

(Can you believe that is all one sentence?)

One thing we both agree on, is that you will NOT be seeing exercise stuff on this blog, so just keep looking if that’s what you are interested in. If you see one of us running, you better run too, because something BAD is chasing us! Ha!

The last thing we will mention that we have in common is that we love to laugh! Life is too short and we are too blessed to not enjoy it.

We have our ups and downs like everyone, but we have found a little humor goes a long way in dealing with life’s disappointments. We hope you will sign up to follow our blog and join us on our journey. We are always learning and trying new things and would love to share them with you.

Please comment often to let us know about what you think of our latest projects and let us know what types of things you would like to see us tackle next.

Kristy and Leslie

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday! I pray this blog is everything you hope it will be!


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